The Direct Connect
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The book’s title (kindly suggested by the world renowned Psychic Intuitive Sonia Choquette) pertains to the somewhat unorthodox grief-healing measures to which the author became mystically guided following the untimely death of his beloved wife Doris.
Initially, he’d spent many months, diligently pursuing a fair number of the conventional avenues to healing grief, only to reluctantly conclude that for him, there was precious little likelihood of them fulfilling the promised alleviation from the indescribable soul-searing anguish that typically engulfs those grieving the loss of a loved one. As he dejectedly explained to concerned friends: “this stuff just doesn’t speak to me.”
Fortuitously though, no sooner had he embarked on weighing his options than he began to experience what was to become a string of singularly intriguing synchronistic events. Remarkable for the way they then synergistically steered him to a field of knowledge that did speak to him—loud and clear. This field, familiarly known as Psychic Mediumship, is the centuries old, performance-proven discipline around which the grief-healing modality he propounds is centered.
Writing in the same “chatty” style of his previous successful book—along with the unfeigned conviction of one who has “walked the walk”, the author cogently constructs a solid case for the genuineness of mediumship. Our acceptance of which rewards us with the direct connection that facilitates our loved ones’ ongoing presence whereby they, along with myriad forms of Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides etc., lovingly orchestrate our healing and return to wholeness.
For those who may be hesitant to fully embrace mediumship, he includes a chapter that comprises a broad compilation of alternate measures. Intended to be applied either adjunctively with the foregoing or independent of it, they consist of simple proactive exercises discerningly culled from authoritative sources and known to be restoratively soul-nurturing in their own right.
All in all, THE DIRECT CONNECT is a highly valuable guide—eminently capable of fulfilling its subtitle’s promise.